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eBook: How to turn £100 into £1Million in ten years.

There are 30 known steps for success to become wealthy, but these are little understood and even less applied. This is disappointing because it isn’t all that complicated to become financially free. Usually what stops most people is that they never received any quality financial education. They don’t understand how money works. Often, they were given bad advice that sounded good and logical. 

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We have studied the most successful investors. This is what they do. It works!

Copy the Masters

Jargon is avoided and principles are explained with practical clarity.

Plain and simple

Consistent quality returns whatever market trends are.

Money works for you

Built into the system are protections against adverse conditions.  All explained.

Cover the downside

Great Benefits of the eBook: How to tuen £100 per month into £1 Million in ten years.

The short answer is to follow the systems that the world top investors use, because they, and their followers, consistently achieve just that. 

There are 30 known steps for success to become wealthy, but these are little understood and even less applied. This is disappointing because it isn’t all that complicated to become financially free. Usually what stops most people is that they never received any quality financial education. They don’t understand how money works. Often, they were given bad advice that sounded good and logical. 
The ‘What to do’ is based on modelling the worlds’ most successful investors rather than theories. You should follow all 30 steps. All are in themselves simple, but some will mean that you must change your current financial and lifestyle habits. 


Step 1 Believe that you can become wealthy 
Most people are from middle class parents, with middle level jobs and income. They were no doubt told to get on the housing ladder and get a good pension scheme and spend the next 45 years paying off a mortgage. All whilst working their way up in a career, to become financially free. Many other experiences probably set you up to believe that wealthy people are a different class, they are lucky, born into it, have better jobs, are better qualified, privileged or whatever. Well the reality is that the wealthy just think differently. They often have never even had an above average salary or middle, let alone senior management position. Yet they still achieved financial freedom. Research into this and you will find plenty of evidence to support. It will help you form the right foundations of beliefs to get started on your own journey, resulting in never having to be concerned or worried about money again.

The ‘how’ of wealth accumulation is achieved by following a simple system. But first you must believe something before it can become true for you. So, believe that you can and will be wealthy. 

Ask yourself what stops you from being wealthy? 
Whatever comes up, change your thinking by finding evidence to the contrary. 

Step 2 Move up from employee to self-employed to business owner to investor as soon as you can 
For wealth accumulation the starting position is employee. We all get trapped by looking for promotion and salary increases. Usually coupled with a higher lifestyle and more debt. 

However, you can be an investor right from the first month of your employment, even if that is at minimum wage. No excuses - decide to be financially free as soon as possible. This will progress you straight to the highest of the four categories of the wealthy. 

Decide to move today to investor status to achieve financial freedom.

Step 3 Understand and accumulate assets 
An asset is something that pays you an income without any input from you. That is it. Most people see the house they live in as an asset. It isn’t. It costs you money and is therefore a liability. Renting property out makes it an asset, although a poorer asset than most people believe it is. A job takes you time and can be terminated by your boss in one sentence. So that is hardly an asset under the definition wealthy people use.